
April 14, 2018

Whose Name is it Anyway?: Intellectual property in titl...

How should an author protect the intellectual property that vests in a title? And more significantly, is there any intellectual property in a title? Though it seems there is no copyright protection of title as yet provided by law, one could seek protection through Trademark. This article details avenues of protection available in the current scenario....
March 24, 2018

Copyright in Perpetuity

The debate over copyright in perpetuity versus copyright for a limited term is as old as the law that we inherited itself. Amitabh Bachchan has recently brought the debate to the fore again, arguing how his father’s works, that are essentially his inheritence, be allowed to go into public domain. The question also raised is how was the time period of copyright after death of the author decided? Why 60, why not 61, why not 59 years?...