Tag: Social Media
October 3, 2024
Corporate Law | General Corporate Advisory
Corporate Law | General Corporate Advisory
BEWARE Social Media Influencers: Don’t Say What Y...
In a recent judgment, the Delhi High Court ("Court") dealt with the emerging issue of social media influencers commenting on topics they are unqualified to discuss, particularly when such comments have the potential to harm a brand's reputation. The case of Zydus Wellness Products Limited v. Mr. Prashant Desai , highlights the growing responsibility of influencers. ...
November 10, 2021
Corporate Law | General Corporate Advisory
Corporate Law | General Corporate Advisory
Government released FAQs on the IT Rules, 2021: Explain...
The Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021 ("IT Rules, 2021") were enacted in February 2021, imposing strict due diligence requirements on intermediaries. On various grounds, a spate of petitions were filed in India's High Courts contesting the constitutional validity of the IT Rules, 2021. ......
August 17, 2021
Intellectual Property | Trademark
Intellectual Property | Trademark
A Moment to Remember: Personality rights, Moment market...
India’s ace badminton player PV Sindhu created history by winning a bronze medal in the Tokyo 2020 Olympics held recently, joining the ranks of a select few who have one more than individual medal in the history of the games. ......
November 9, 2020
Intellectual Property | Trademark
Intellectual Property | Trademark
Trademark Counsel in the time of Cancel Culture
With 2020 being the year when everyone is practically living on the internet, it has been an interesting, challenging, and unprecedented year for those involved in brand reputation and brand management. ‘Cancel culture’ has gripped the world, and brands must now deal with excessive scrutiny and criticism on social media platforms and other forums from audiences belonging to all walks of life. ......
November 4, 2019
Corporate Law
Corporate Law
Winds of Change in Indian Jurisprudence: Geo Blocking v...
Observing that "the race between technology and the law could be termed as a hare and tortoise race - as technology gallops, the law tries to keep pace", the Delhi High Court on October 23, 2019 ruled that Indian courts can issue global takedown orders to platforms such as Facebook, Google and Twitter for illegal content uploaded by users. The Court also held that the provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000 ("IT Act") had to be interpreted in a manner so as to ensure that judicial orders were effective and "not toothless"....